Happy Birthday 

Funny Birthday Poems 

Funny Birthday Poems

Getting Old on your Birthday
It is indeed tough to stack candles on your cake,
For I am truly running out of space.
It’s time we think of something new,
But I ensure I’ll make it so true.
Happy birthday dear friend
For genuine love and prayers here I send.

Funny Birthday Poems

Request on your Birthday
Oh another birthday!
You are just getting older every year this day.
I will for sure this time get you a gift,
And all that you have to do is work my day’s shift.
For that is what friends are for,
Sharing good and bad times and even more…
Happy Birthday Friend!

Funny Birthday Poems

Gift Awaited
Year by year you are growing old,
But people around you celebrate this bold.
You want to drive it into their head,
That the occasion demands no party instead hit the bed.
It’s just a birthday dude…
But you got receive a gift from us so good.

Funny Birthday Poems

The Party Caps Are Ready 
The party caps are ready and so is the cake,
The beer is brewing and the cookies are kept to bake.
Presents are already here and more are left to come,
The birthday-person is still not here, so let's take everything and run!

Funny Birthday Poems

An Angel On Earth
It all happened a while ago,
In the garden so beautiful with candles to blow.
They say an angel was born, on a beautiful day.
With merry little eyes and sweet tunes to play.
The next they knew the kid got serious and sane,
He went to choose a career to add to his parents' pain.
They went on to give him all, while he went on to take it all,
Until the day of redemption was called.
Just kidding you with this poem,
'Coz it was a wonderful day when you were born.
Happy Birthday!

Funny Birthday Poems

A Small Story Of Three Friends
On your birthday, let me
Tell you a story of a group of three.
Good friends they were,
 Who enjoyed it all, if only it was for free.
Hung out with some,
Waved along to most,
 But failed to befriend any.
One blamed it on other,
And other on another,
 They never chipped in a penny.
Together always they came with a smile,
And together they always walked
When they hung out with some
And waved along to most,
 The true reasons were never talked.
Day after day, and week after week,
They came, cherished
And smiled with glee
Till one fine day, when everyone got robbed
 Except for our 'free three'.
The streets were scanned
And choppers were shot,
But they bothered no clue,
And one is dead, the other hanged,
 I know the third is you.
Happy Birthday to you, may your secrets never get disclosed

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